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Romeandart.eu is independent, non-political and non-partisan. It offers tourist and historical informations about Rome to readers.
This web site is not an editorial product, so, to norm of the Italian law n. 62 07 mar. 2001, it doesn’t belong to the category of “periodic press” adjourned to regular and pre-arranged intervals.
This Web site has been realized in respect to the Italian normative on the copyright (see Italian law, art. 65, 66, 68, 70 n. 633 of 22 apr. 1941 on the “Protection of the copyright and other connected rights to his exercise”, modified by the legislative decree n. 68, 09 apr. 2003, emanated in respect of the directive 2001/29/CE “on the harmonization of some aspects of copyright and the connected rights in the society of the information”.
The images has been selected and insert in respect of the rights related to the photos and to the portrait to norm of Italian law 633/1941 (artt. 87 and ss., artt. 96 and ss.) and following modifications in safeguard of the other established civil rights and penalties. The necessary searches have been conducted to find possible rights owners. If an unintentional omission has been committed the rectifications required by the legitimate owners will be applied in the briefest possible time.
In every case, to norm of the Italian law 22 April 1941 n. 633, modified by the law 22 May 2004, n. 128, article 87 and 92, the generic photos without artistic character and the reproductions of works of the figurative art beginning of public dominion from the start of the following solar year to the conclusion of the twentieth year from the date of first publication, while the photos considered works of art become of public dominion after 70 years from the death of author.
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by M.L. ©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (Ed 1.0 - 01/04/2015)