Rome: News

Pompeii: new fresco with Leda and the swan
In Pompeii, another marvelous discovery was made during the excavations in the Regio V in a domus located along the road in the direction of Porta Vesuvio where, removing the layers of ash, a cubiculum frescoed wall appeared with a depicting of Leda and the Swan myth ...
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Pompeii: the Vesuvius eruption occurred in October
An inscription found during the excavations underway in the Regio V tells that on October 17 of 79 AD. the inhabitants of Pompeii were living a normal day. It is an exceptional discovery because it carries on two months the date of the eruption of Vesuvius, which was commonly accepted as derived from the letter of Pliny the Younger to Tacitus. That 17 of October of 79 d.C. a worker was working in a cubiculum adjacent to the atrium of the Domus with Garden and left a note in charcoal on the wall where he would then perhaps have to make frescoes similar to those found in other rooms, and that would then cover it. How often were the graffiti was just a cheerful note ...
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Discovered a mysterious building on the Tiber banks
Some rooms of the late imperial age with splendid floors in opus sectile have been found along the banks of the Tiber, near Ponte Milvio, In the spring of last year, during works along the Tiber cycle path, in the area of the Foro Italico in the direction of Ponte Milvio, the workers removing the earth suddenly saw what looked like a floor mosaic ...
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Tomb of the strigils
An inviolate tomb dating back to the fourth century was found in Rome along the Via Tiburtina, in an area where there was no known presence of that type; the exceptionality of the discovery lies in the integrity of the burial ...
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Discovery Historia of Seneca in a papyrus of Herculaneum
A new technology and the expertise and patience of Valeria Piano have given back to the world an important text by Anneo Seneca the Elder: "Historiae ab initio bellorum civileum", a historical work related to events from the period of civil wars to Emperor Tiberius, probably the last work written by the historian who died in 37 AD; until today expected the work lost instead it was hidden among the charred papyri in the library of the Pisons Villa in Herculaneum ...
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Unearthed the domus of Hadrian centurion
An imperial age domus was found outside the Aurelian Walls in Via Ipponio near Porta Metronia. Another piece unearthed in Rome from the works for the Metro C Amba Aradam station; the domus will help to understand the topography in the area of San Giovanni between the 2nd and 3rd century AD ...
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Trajan emperor and builder, the exhibition at Mercati Traiani
His contemporaries and ancient historians considered Trajan optimus princeps for his military skills and qualities as a ruler, modern historians consider him one of the best statesmen of all time. In November of 117 AD Emperor Trajan died and an exhibition was staged in the Forum, to that one he gave the name, to celebrate his greatness as a statesman and general man who brought the size of the Empire to the maximum expansion. ...
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Archaeologists tell the ports of Rome
Until next May 13 at the Teatro Argentina in Rome will be held the program of meetings "Luci sull'Archeologia 2018" for fans of archeology and history of Rome. With the guidance of the major Italian scholars will be revisited the most famous aspects of Roman history and civilization and the lesser known that the discoveries of archeology have unveiled ...
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Winckelmann and his discoveries on exhibition at the Capitol
An exhibition curated by the Capitoline Museums, that you can visit at these days, celebrate the double anniversary of the birth and death of the father of modern archeology: Johann Joachim Winckelmann. The exhibition open until next April, accompanies those who love art along the path of love and knowledge that led the German scholar to rewrite some founding pages of the history of ancient art ...
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Discovered a farm in the suburb of Ancient Rome
A 34 x 69 meter long water collection tank emerged from the excavation mud near Porta San Giovanni in Rome. It was the year 2012 and the discoveries continued during the drilling for the Rome subway new line C, in fact from the cistern started some tufa canalization to irrigate an orchard because the structure was pertinent to a rustic villa where peaches were grown ...
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Attic Krater of the IV century B.C. returns to Italy
MiBAC announced that soon the Speed Art Museum in Louisville will return to Italy a chalice crater with red figures coming from Paestum. This type of ceramic replaced the one with black figures and was produced in Athens from 530-525 BC. up to the whole 4th century and its use spread throughout the Mediterranean basin and in particular in the new colonies of the Italian peninsula ...
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Two decorated sarcophagi discovered along Via Triumphalis
Two splendid sarcophagi have been discovered to the slopes of Monte Mario in Rome, near Olympic Stadium, in June of 2017 during work on water pipelines ... The graves were found at a depth of m. 2.5. Initial analyzes suggest the artifacts dating to the third-fourth century A.D. and the dimensions and iconography reveal that they were of two children ...
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The restoration of Venice Palace, from Labors of Hercules to Venice Bride the Sea
Today The project for the enhancement of the "Venice bride the Sea" fountain, located in the center of the Venice Palace had presented to the public today; a further step that the Polo Museale of Lazio, directed by Edith Gabrielli, is doing with the objective to return the whole of the artistic heritage to visitors.The last restoration work took place just last year on the frescoes and the wooden ceiling of the “Sala dei Paramenti”, better known as “Hall of Hercules” ...
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